
The Flame Won’t Consume You

Isaiah 43:1-7,19; Romans 8:35-39 As the fires rage in California this week leaving entire towns destroyed including its churches it’s easy to wonder where God is in all this. These two passages declare God’s love for us which nothing not even fire cannot separate us from. Isaiah encourages us not to fear for God has redeemed us. We are God’s – due to this God is with us like a loving parent. So, when we pass through the waters and rivers of life (barriers) you won’t be overwhelmed by them knowing God is on your side. Isaiah is reminding them of the crossing of the Red Sea and the prophets crossing the river Jordan. Then the verse quite apropos for today: “When you walk through the fires, the flames shall not consume you.” He is reminding them of the story of Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego who escaped the flames they were sent into. Your life like theirs is so precious to the Lord that your house and town may burn down but you will be saved. I remember when I was growing up we h...

Gifts for the King of Light

  Isaiah 60: 1-6, Matthew 2: 1-12   Isaiah is sharing a vision of a restored Israel. Into the darkness your light – the glory of the Lord will rise upon you. He tells of not only nations but of kings will come to this light. He talks about the restoration of all they have lost. Nations will bring camels and food from the sea. Interestingly the kings will come and bring gold and frankincense and proclaim the praise of the Lord. Does gold and frankincense ring a bell and the statement that kings will present it? Yes it goes with our Matthew passage we all celebrate of the Three Wise Men presenting gifts to the young Jesus. We just had Epiphany Sunday where we celebrate these men, their gifts, and yes their worship and praise of Jesus. Did these men read the book of Isaiah or did Isaiah see them in his vision? They consult with the scribes and chief priests who direct them to Micah 5:2 which states the Messiah is to be born in Bethlehem. A light is spoken of as a star which...

Buist 2024 Christmas Newsletter

 Buist 2024 Christmas Newsletter It has truly been a MERRIJOYful year of adventure and fun. My two highlights of the year were my trip to England and my 70th birthday celebration. At the end of July, I flew to London and then took a bus and train to Salisbury where I embarked on a Wesleyan Pilgrimage. This is where we visited all the sites of John Wesley the Methodist founder. We stayed at a guest house right across the street from the Salisbury Cathedral. It was a beautiful city that I had much fun exploring, including Poundland, which is equivalent to our now defunct 99 Cent Store. We took day trips to Epworth, where Wesley was born, Oxford, where he was ordained, London and Bristol where he preached. There were 35 of us from all over the US and one from Hong King. I flew with a woman from Reseda who was my bus seatmate who kept me laughing throughout our trips. In honor of my 70th birthday I had a 70s themed party at my church’s Fellowship Hall where we had 70s music and had a c...

Joyfully Drawing from the Well of Salvation

  Isaiah 12: 2-6, Philippians 4:4-7   This week we lit the candle of joy in our advent wreath, and we sang Joy to the World. Isaiah tells us where true joy comes from. He talks about how God is our salvation. With this salvation the Lord provides strength and might. Due to this we don’t have to be afraid. With joy then we can draw from the wells of salvation. What is this joy? God has saved us from our sin, and we have become God’s children. Not only is God our might and strength but God has given us eternal life. Isaiah tells us to give thanks to the Lord for this, sing praises and let it be known all throughout the earth. We are to shout aloud and sing for joy. In Philippians we are told to rejoice in the Lord always and again. The prefix re means to do it again, so we are to share our joy again and again. Another important word here is “always.” He might as well have said, “no matter what – rejoice!” Just like Isaiah told us not to be afraid, the writer of Philippi...

Worry Not, God Provides

Joel 2:21-27, Matthew 6:25-33 Through the prophet Joel God speaks to the land, to the animals, and to the children of Zion. To the soil he tells how the trees bear fruit. To the animals he tells how the pastures provide green grass for them to eat. Then to us humans the Lord has provided rain which makes the crops grow where the threshing floor are full of grain and the vats overflowing with wine and oil. They will eat in plenty. The Lord doesn’t forget the lean years though. God will repay for the years insects have destroyed their crops along with a great army being sent against them. Then they will be satisfied and praise God who has dealt wondrously with them. God’s people will never be put to shame again. In Matthew Jesus tells the crowd not to worry about their physical lives and bodies – what to eat, drink, or wear. He uses the examples of nature like Joel did. He tells about the birds being fed, the lilies of the field being clothes in beauty. He asks the question, “Aren’t ...

God’s Kingdom

  John 18:33-38; Revelation 1:4-6,8 Pilate asks Christ if he is king of the Jews to which he replies that his kingdom is not of this world. When Pilate concurs that he is a king, Jesus tells how for this he was born. His rule originates in God. He came into the world to testify to the truth. His kingdom belongs to those who listen to the truth. This is not a physical but a spiritual kingdom. I love how Jesus doesn’t claim to be king of the Jews since he is king to all who believe in him – Gentile and Jew alike. The eternity of God and Christ is mentioned in the Revelation passage when it says the one who is, who was, and who is to come. Then in verse 8 it’s stated again using the metaphor of God being the Alpha and Omega. This passage tells about Christ’s future role of being the universal sovereign by also saying he is ruler of the kings of the earth. Those who listen to the truth are further defined in our Revelation passage. The characteristics of Christ the King are tha...

Confidence to Pour Out our Souls

I Samuel 1:4-20; Hebrews 10:11-23   Hannah had a problem. She was barren. Having children was the only way women got acknowledged back then, by giving birth to sons. To top it all off the other wife torments her by rubbing in how many children she has. So, we see Hannah at a breaking point. She goes to the temple deeply distressed and prays to the Lord weeping bitterly. In this prayer she makes a vow – some might call it bargaining with God, but she is sincere. Now her praying is silent yet in her agony she moves her lips mouthing the words. Eli seeing this accuses her of being drunk to which she replies, “I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord.” Eli realizing her sincerity tells her to go in peace and may God grant the petition you have made. After this blessing from Eli, she returns and is able to eat again and her countenance is sad no longer. She appears to know God has heard and has the confidence that God will answer. Well God did. She conceives and gives birth to ...