
Showing posts from August, 2024

Living Wisely

  Psalm 111, Ephesians 5:15-20 The Psalmist in Psalms 111 is filled with wisdom telling about all the attributes of God and God’s wonderous deeds including redemption for God’s people. He closes by saying the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. This doesn’t mean being afraid of God but the Hebrew word for fear means an awareness or realization of the Lord – another way of saying knowledge of God. It also denotes reverence and respect. This is truly seen in all the previous verses where the Psalmist proclaims the awesomeness of God. Worshipping God then leads to wisdom. In Ephesians, the writer talks about being careful in how you live. You do so by being wise people who make the most of the time. These new Christians are not to continue their foolish lives of debauchery getting drunk. Instead of singing drunken songs they are to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs – making melody to the Lord in their hearts. Like the Psalmist giving thanks to God with his whole hea

Wait with Hope in the Lord

Psalm 130, Mark 5:21-43 Psalm 130 gives us a great example of an active hope that waits on the Lord. The psalmist is confident as he waits for the Lord to deliver. While yet in the depths of suffering the psalmist repeatedly asserts that God will save. This waiting may seem forever like the watchman who watches through the dark night for the sun to break and finish his long shift. Why then is there hope in the Lord? The psalmist claims God’s steadfast love and God’s great power to redeem. In our Mark account we have two stories of healing which show great faith and hope in the Lord. First Jairus comes and asks for healing of his sick daughter. This daughter needs help ASAP, yet Jesus stops to ask who touched his robe. Another person who has waited years for healing – a woman who has had a flow of blood for twelve years, interrupts. She is considered unclean, yet she has faith that if she just touches his robe she will be healed. She fearfully confesses what she has done to Christ