Drinking in God’s Steadfast Love
Psalms 36:5-10, John 2:1-11 In our Psalms passage the psalmist raves about the steadfast love of the Lord. He measures God’s love as extending to the heavens and God’s faithfulness to the clouds. God’s righteousness is like the mighty mountains and judgements like the great deep. He goes on to tell how all people can take refuge – be protected – under the shelter of God’s wings. The psalmist continues his extravagant words saying not just that we eat of God’s abundance but that we feast on it. What to drink? He says it’s from the river of God’s delights. God provides the absolute best. When Jesus was on earth he provided the best wine at the Wedding in Cana. He didn’t just turn the water into cheap or moderately good wine – but the best. The people at the wedding truly drank from the rivers of God’s delights. Some translations call this the river of pure joy. Are we diving into this river of pure joy? Jesus reflects these descriptions of God. The Psalmist continues saying that Go...