
Showing posts from March, 2025

Trusting and Forgiving

Psalms 37:1-11, 39-40; Luke 6:27-38 Psalm 37 tells about trusting in the Lord and not being envious or fretful of evil doers. Anger, wrath, and fretfulness are said to lead to evil. Instead, we are to put our trust in the Lord and live God’s righteous ways. We are to do good as we live on the land and enjoy its security. The opposite of envying those who prosper is to delight in the Lord who will give you the desires of your heart – what you truly need. When we trust God and turn the evildoers over to the Lord, God will vindicate us – our vindication shining as the light and the justice of our cause like the noon day sun. The psalmist promises that the wicked will be cut off and will soon fade like grass. But those who wait patiently for the Lord shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant prosperity. Jesus goes further in our Luke passage – telling us not to just turn our enemies over to God but to love and forgive them. He says to do unto others as you would like th...