Blog Tour for Lone Falcon

Exciting news for me and my book, Lone Falcon. We will be going on an online tour from November 22nd to December 5th and you can join me. It’s called a Blog Tour where my book, Lone Falcon will be reviewed for twelve days on twelve different blogs, one each day. I will also be interviewed on two other blogs. A schedule of my blog spots can be found on the Celebrite Lit website.

There’s also information on Lone Falcon and me along with a Giveaway you can sign up for. If your name is drawn you can win a $50 Barnes and Nobles Card along with an autographed copy of Lone Falcon and receive one of the first copies of its sequel, Lone Choices autographed coming out in 2020.

Please join me in this exciting journey. I will be posting the blogs daily on my author’s page. Stay tuned. It starts tomorrow!


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