God's Peace

 What do you think of when you hear the word, “peace?” Do you think of countries without war? Or so you think of a time you had no worries like in the song, “I’ve got no deeds to do, no promises to keep - all is groovy.” We hear “peace on earth, goodwill to man,” but what does that look like?

In our John 14 passage Jesus tells the disciples he is going away, but he is leaving them in peace, “Do not be troubled - I go to prepare a place for you.” This is a passage read at many funerals assuring loved ones of heaven and being in the presence of the Lord at death. I like to say that my mother went to sleep one night and woke up in heaven.

Jesus in this passage says, “Do not be afraid. I give you the peace the world can’t give. The world advertises that you’ll be at peace if you have a built up 401K or retirement plan. But we know there are billionaires who don’t experience peace of mind. They fear losing their money and work for more and more wealth. People in countries free of war can still be stressed out worrying that another war or conflict might come.

The angels tell the shepherds, “Don’t be afraid, we bring great news.” Peace is coming in the birth of a child- a child who will be known as the Prince of Peace. What is this peace on earth they talk about. Peace comes from having a relationship with God, but due to our sinful natures, we are separated from God. But baby Jesus will be the bridge between God and people. By dying on the cross in our place we are saved from the sins that keep us from God. In this way Jesus brought redemption to us so that we can be at peace with God and as Jesus promised in John 14, we will be with him in heaven one day in God’s true kingdom of peace.

Meanwhile we can have peace of mind by turning over our cares and worries to God, knowing God will provide. There have been some very strong Christians who have this true peace even when the check is short and the rent is due, or when a loved one is sick. They have the peace that God is in control and will provide.

May we have this peace God can bring us in this new year.


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