God's Name For You

My Pastor, James Dollins told us about a woman named Larinda whose husband called her Lily with each letter standing for Larinda I Love You. In Isaiah 43 God says, “You are mine. I have called you by name.

It got me thinking about the special name God might have for us. If I go with the M of my first name and add the “ily” for I love you, I’d end up with Mily.

Well, God does in fact love us. It says in this passage, “you are precious in my sight and I love you. I love the song by Kathy Sherman who puts these words into modern ones that apply to us.

We are told to not fear when we find ourselves walking in the deep waters of life because God will never let us drown. When we are overwhelmed with troubles and pain, God promises to be with us and to save us. Why? Because of the refrain of the song, “You are mine. I have called you by name. You are precious and cherished in my eyes and I love you.

Isaiah is speaking God’s word to the Jewish people who have been dispersed to different countries. He tells them that God will gather them back from all parts of the earth. Those who claim God as their God show God’s love and glory in their creation.

My favorite verse of the song and the passage is to forget – let go of the past. Don’t dwell on it since God is about to start something new. This newness has already begun. “Don’t you perceive it,” Isaiah says. A path will be made to bring God’s children, the Israelites home.

This applies to us today when we go through rough times and struggles. God will be with us and pull us through, providing a new way – a new path for us to take if only we don’t allow ourselves to get trapped in living in the past and not seeing the new way out of the wilderness of our lives that God has provided. One to bring us back where our souls can find home with God.

In the Baptism of Jesus story – God calls Jesus, my son and the beloved with whom I am well pleased. May we remember that we are beloved children of God, ones with whom God is well pleased. Let us claim the words: “You are mine, you are chosen, you are precious and cherished and remember God’s name for you. Your own name plus I love you.

What does God call you?

Note: To hear Kathleen Sherman's beautiful song. Copy this link.



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