Making the Ordinary Extraordinary

We talked last week about God’s name for you. In this weeks Isaiah 62 passage it talks about giving Israel a new name. Comparing Israel to an unmarried woman who feels forsaken, he gives the name “My Delight Is In Her.” No longer is she desolate but he tells how they will become a crown of beauty and a royal diadem. The land of Israel will be like a woman married, and as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride – so shall God rejoice over them.

God not only takes the rejected, forsaken, and desolate but also the ordinary to become royal princesses of God.

In the story of Jesus first miracle, Jesus takes something quite ordinary – water, but turns it into wine – not just Two Buck Chuck, but as the steward says here – the best wine.

This got me thinking about how God can take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. Think about rocks turning into gems, and an oyster’s irritant turning into pearls. God makes grapes to grow by providing sun and rainwater and gives wisdom to the winemakers to process them into wine.

Everyday miracles surround us everyday. A simple smile or compliment can make someone’s day. A little word of encouragement can help someone out of the blues.

God can take the rough times of our lives, when we feel forsaken and bring us through them like God did for the Israelites in their captivity, bringing us spiritual growth. God can bring us through times of drought, disappointment, grief, and struggles to make our lives better than before with lessons learned and wisdom acquired. 

Aging us like fine wine – of which he makes the best. 


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