Their Gifts vs. God's Gifts

 We all know about the gifts the three wise men brought the child Jesus, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Do you think these were on Mary’s wish list? Many think these gifts were sold, not on ebay though, but used to finance their trip to Egypt to escape King Herod’s terrible decree to kill all children under two.

We have a contrast of Kings here. The earthly king, Herod who feared losing his power so he made this awful decree. Then the king baby Jesus whom the wise men brought gifts to who would become the Prince of Peace.

In Psalms 72, David prays for his son Solomon who is considered the wisest King in Jewish history. He prays for God’s justice and righteousness. David prays not only for the prosperity of the people but that he will defend the cause of the poor and give deliverance to the needy. He prays that he will crush the oppressors so that righteousness and peace may abound. Would that we had world leaders like this. One who would work on the causes of poverty and work to alleviate it.

Many find verse 10 to also refer to king Jesus who the kings do bring gifts. For he will deliver the needy when they call, the poor and those without a helper, have pity on the weak saving the lives of the needy. He will by his death on the cross become the great redeemer of all, because everyone is precious - everyone’s blood is precious in his sight.

So let’s celebrate the gifts the baby Jesus who grew to be a man has given us in his resurrected body. He gives justice, righteousness, and help to the needy and the weak. He brought peace between us and God the father and gave us the great helper - the Holy Spirit. May we through the power of the Spirit reflect God’s righteousness, fight for justice for the oppressed, and find ways to help the poor and needy like my church does with its food pantry. May we treat all that we meet as precious children of God.


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