Which Part Are You?


As we age, we begin to appreciate parts of our body more. We miss them more when they don’t function properly. Cataract surgery helps us appreciate our eyes. Carpel tunnel – our hands, knee replacement – our knees, hearing aids – our ears, arthritis – our joints.

Paul in I Corinthians 12 compares the church to a body that depends on each part to work smoothly and harmoniously. Everyone in the church community has a part to play. We all think of pastors and teachers. Here we have some pretty magnificent gifts of prophecy, healing, and miracles. Paul, however, does a complete turnabout. Those who have weaker gifts to offer are said to be indispensable and those we think less honorable, we clothe with greater honor, so they’ll be no divisions within.

In our Luke passage, Jesus declared his mission of reaching out to the weaker of society and caring for them by bringing good news to the poor, releasing the captives, giving sight to the blind, and freeing the oppressed.

We are told to care for one another like Jesus did no matter what the other’s place is in society. When one suffers, we are to suffer along with them. When my eyes aren’t functioning, my hands won’t see where to reach, and my feet won’t see where to go. When our knees ache, the whole body aches with them.

We need to honor each one in the church community for the part they play in the body of Christ. As we care for each part of our physical bodies, we need to take care of each other – each part in our Christian community. Rejoicing when they rejoice and suffering when they suffer.

The end of this chapter tells us to strive for the greater gifts, but as Paul continues into the famous chapter 13 which talks about the greatness of love, he puts down some of these “greater gifts.” He says they are no good without love.

So whatever part you have to play in the body of Christ, remember that the greatest of these is love. It is not arrogance over the greater gift you have but loving and respecting each other as an equal brother or sister in Christ. Let love rule the part you have to offer. What part are you?


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