Opened Minds and Hearts


Luke 14: 44-53; Ephesians 1:15-23

In Jesus’ parting words to the disciples in Luke 24, Jesus opened their minds to understand the scriptures. He tells them how everything in the law, prophets, and psalms had to be fulfilled. They finally understand God’s plan that the Messiah had to suffer and die and rise on the third day. Due to this, forgiveness of sins is possible to all nations. He promises the Holy Spirit who will come soon clothing them with power on high.

Now Paul speaks to the Ephesians in our second passage, the Holy Spirit has come – it is a done deal along with salvation they have the ability to come and know the Father. Paul prays that the eyes of their hearts be enlightened to know the hope to which they are called and the riches of God’s glorious inheritance to all the saints. This includes knowing the greatness of God’s power shown to us in the raising of Christ from the dead. Christ has been seated at the right hand of God and given authority above all in this age and the age to come. He has been made head over all things for the church which is his body where the fullness of him resides. Christ is said to fill all in all.

Back in Luke the disciples had to have their minds opened to understand how Christ fulfilled the scriptures to bring salvation to all. Today our hearts have to be opened. Paul prays that God will give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation that will enlighten the eyes of our hearts to realize the greatness of God and all the great things he has given us – our inheritance due to Christ’s work on the cross and our faith in him.

Like Christ did for the disciples, may our minds be opened to understand and appreciate the gifts God has given us. May our hearts be enlightened to our hope of eternal life and God’s immeasurable power for those who believe. May the church hold tight to Christ, its head and be filled with the fullness of Christ.


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