Christ’s Supremacy

 Colossians 1:15-28, Psalms 52

The Colossian church was dealing with heresy. People questioned the supremacy of Christ since they were influenced by the notion that all physical matter was evil. Therefore, they believed the incarnate Christ who came in tangible visual human form was inferior to the angels in their invisible spiritual forms.

Well Paul set them straight in this passage. He tells of Christ’s supremacy over creations declaring that all things visible and invisible were created in and through him. He is the glue that holds the universe together. Christ is also God’s agent of re-creation. Ultimately God will reconcile all things through the cross of Christ. God has reconciled them through Christ’s work on the cross in order for them to be a people to reflect God’s character. We are encouraged to stay securely established and steadfast in the faith, not shifting like many of the Colossians had from the hope promised in the gospel.

Paul then talks about the richness of the glory which is Christ in you – the hope of glory. Paul’s goal is to present everyone mature in Christ even though he must endure suffering to do so.

There are times when our faith is questioned when the wicked seem to prosper, when troubles and illness come our way. Yet we need to hold on to our faith – realize the power of God being in control and Christ being the glue that holds all things together.

Psalms 52 is a cry to the wicked who seem to be prospering. The Psalmist has faith that God will take them down. Trust in the steadfast love of God is shown, with continual thanksgiving because of what the Lord has done. It is because of their experience of God providing and helping them through troubles that they “will proclaim God’s name – knowing it is good.”

We too know it is good and we trust in the all-powerful God who gave us salvation from Christ’s work on the cross. Christ was made tangible for us to see an example of living God’s way – yet at his resurrection he returned to heaven as a spirit with power and much higher status than any angel. May we continually trust in him. Amen


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