Being Rich in Good Works

 I Timothy 6: 6-19, Psalm 91: 1-6, 14-16

Paul talks to Timothy about where real contentment lies, being content with food and clothing. He talks about the trap of wanting to be rich in material things and how the love of money is the root of all evil. For some what they have is never enough and they spend their time acquiring more and more to the neglect of family and relationships and their most important relationship with the Lord and not doing good works.

So, Paul tells them to shun this love of money. What is it we are to pursue then? We are to seek righteousness, godliness, love, endurance, and gentleness. We are to fight the good fight of faith. This is faith in eternal life, in God who gives life to all things.

We are not to set our hope on riches which are uncertain – just take a look at the stock market. People who have claimed great gains now have great losses. But we need to put our hope in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. We should not aim to be rich in material things but in good works, in being generous and ready to share.

But what about the rough times? Doesn’t money help during these times? Fear is one motivator of acquiring wealth. But Psalms 91 tells us about not putting trust in money but in the Lord who will deliver us during hard times. God is their refuge and trust, not their bank account. This is a beautiful song out of the songbook of the Psalms. It has been put to music in our modern times by Michael Joncas and it is comforting to sing. The Psalm ends saying, “I will protect those who know my name, I will answer them, and rescue them from trouble. They will be satisfied – content- with a long life and God will show them salvation.

May we seek to be rich in good works in thanksgiving of all the good things God gives us, bringing true contentment.


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