Enduring Everything

 Psalms 66:1-12; II Timothy 2:8-15


Psalms 66 is a song of praise, asking one to see what the Lord has done. It tells about God’s parting of the Red Sea helping the Israelites to escape from the Egyptians. During the trip God kept them alive, providing food and shoes that never wore out. These shoes helped their feet not to slip over the rough terrain they encountered. However, it wasn’t a pleasure trip to the Promised Land. They were tested like silver, brought into nets, burdens like the pyramids they were forced to build, the bricks on their backs and letting people, cruel masters ride or rule over their heads. Though they went through fire – like refining silver and through water – the Red Sea crossing, yet they endured. God has brought them to a spacious place – the Promised Land, broad and secure.

The Promised Land can be used as a metaphor for salvation. Paul in Timothy is suffering hardship. He is enduring being chained as a criminal – yet he proclaims that the Word of God is not chained and that he will endure everything for the sake of others obtaining the salvation which is in Christ. Paul then states some contradictions to the non-spiritual person but perfectly believed by those who have been saved. If you die with Christ – you will live with him. If we endure, like Paul and the Israelites did then we will reign with him. Even if we deny him or are faithless – God will remain faithful.

Then comes a verse many of us have memorized. We are to present ourselves to God with a life that is approved by God. We are to be like workers who have nothing to be ashamed about, rightly explaining in our words and actions the word of truth.

Many of us can look back like the Israelites to the hard times – days that have been refined like silver – yet the Lord pulled us through – like God did for the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. With salvation by Christ’s death on the cross, we have been brought to glory – eternal life in the Kingdom of God – the Christian’s Promised Land. To get there the Lord is with us helping us to endure all the struggles that come our way. God helps us like God helped Paul and the Israelites to endure everything. Amen


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