Buist Christmas Newsletter 2022

 I was driving around the other day reflecting on how blessed my life is. I have the job of my dreams, the car of my dreams, a great boss, two handsome sons and am a published writer – another one of my dreams.

The last year had one very low moment though with the passing of Don’s sister, Janet. She suddenly became ill in September and had several bouts in the hospital and in October was put in hospice with an inoperable tumor on her stomach. Janet was only 75. She was not only Don’s only sibling but was his business partner in their company Graffiti Proof. Our sons have lost their one aunt who lived nearby and was close to them in their growing up years. Janet left over a thousand orchids and our hearts will always be touched by her love. It is harder for us on the holidays without Janet, it’s now just the four of us, but we light a candle knowing her love is always with us. We did have a great Thanksgiving get together with my “Richards,” my mom’s side of the family, cousins.

A big change came to my church this year with the appointment of a new Senior Pastor. She is Jessica Strysko and has two small daughters, two and five, increasing our Sunday school. We are blessed with her leadership – she keeps me on my toes and it’s great fun having a staff meeting with only females. Another change is that a Family Ministries Coordinator has been hired so now I will be doing Visitation and Adult Ministries. My job has expanded to participating in worship with the Pastoral Prayer and the Children’s Moment. I now have twenty-four home-centered to visit, which keeps me busy. I do a worship service for a Board and Care and lead a Tuesday night book study with ten wonderful people who celebrated my birthday this year at Marie Callenders. (Didn’t I say I am blessed.) We have also started a Care Team which keeps track of our congregation’s needs.

In my writing I’ve finished my third book in the “Lone” series. It is about a woman missionary doctor in the Congo. To truly flesh it out with accurate descriptions I want to take a trip to Africa to experience it first-hand. So, I’ll be looking into any mission groups going that way. If you know of any, pass them on my way.

John and Benjamin are doing great, both working, and both have girlfriends. It is nice when these young women visit to have some female comradery in our mostly male household. My sons have done numerous fun activities including the ANIME Convention in LA and Benjamin has a photo with him and William Shattner from a Star Trek Convention. Don is enjoying retirement working on our yards. He’s converted the back yard to an outside kitchen for barbeques. He has encountered some health problems we hope to iron out in the new year.

I’m passing along a poem about hope, not by me, but it’s reassuring that no matter what happens, no matter the darkness, there is light in our Savior Jesus Christ. We would love to hear from you and what your hopes are that I can add to my prayer list. Our hopes are: better health for Don, better jobs for John and Benjamin, and a chance for me to go to Africa.

May the God of Hope fill you with blessings this new year!

Have a blessed MERRIJOYful CHRISTmas!


MJ for Don, John, and Benjamin Buist

A Gift to Self, “An Advent of Hope”

By Dr. Bill Stephenson


“I pause to imagine

For a moment

How many persons in the past

Have come to this season of Christmas With problems

No different than mine.

How many of them believed

That all hope was gone...

Their sorrow beyond all healing...

Their loneliness and loss beyond all


Their problems beyond all solution...

Their darkness beyond all light. Yet

The darkness did pass

And they laughed again

Loved again

Sang again

Believed again.

As my Christmas begins

I need to remember

The meaning of this season...

God has given me the Light

That [nothing] will ever put out.”



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