Hope in the Lord

 Psalms 130; Romans 5:1-11


What is it that gets us through, what gives us patience during the rough times? It is Hope. Hope is the first candle lit on the Advent Candle. It is rather appropriate since Advent is a time of waiting – waiting for the birth of the Savior Christ. What gets us through the dark days of winter? It is the hope that light will appear. Spring will come. One little glow from one candle begins Advent – hope that more light will come as we wait.

In Psalms 130 the Psalmist is waiting – waiting to be delivered. His soul waits for the Lord – more than those who watch for the morning. How does he wait? In God’s word he hopes, and he repeats, “more than those who watch for the morning” - those who go through a long dark night.

This reminds me of my son who when little insisted on sleeping with us. We had had enough, and I closed our door one night and told him he could sleep anywhere in the house – in his bed, on the couch, on the living room floor, anywhere but in our room. It got quiet and I soon walked out to see where he had landed. I found him looking out the window moaning, “Morning, morning!” He fell asleep in that windowsill waiting for morning. Fearful of sleeping alone in the dark he had hope in the light of morning.

Where lies the hope of this Psalmist. He tells all Israel to hope in the Lord in whom there is steadfast love, and great power to redeem. He has hope in God’s mercy to redeem Israel from all its sins – iniquities.

This reconciliation is spoken of in Romans 5. Paul tells how we’ve been justified by faith. Paul talks about hope to which comes he says from our sufferings. The Psalmist was truly in the pit of despair. From this comes endurance – perseverance through the wait which produces character which in turn produces hope. This is non-disappointing hope because of God’s love poured in us through the Holy Spirit.

We will talk more about love next week as we light the second Advent Candle – the Love Candle. Hope in the love of God will light our way further through the waiting for the true light – Christ who comes at Christmas truly bringing light into the darkness.


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