Peace Within

 Isaiah 9: 6-7; Luke 2: 8-14

 The fourth candle in advent is the Peace candle. As we read the Old Testament, peace was the furthest thing the Israelites faced. They were familiar with war and being taken captive – yet Isaiah in chapter 9 says something amazing. He talks about a child who will be the Prince of Peace – one who will bring endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom – their kingdom. Not only will this prince establish it but will uphold it from this time onward and forevermore.

The Jews had been waiting for this Messiah – this one who would bring peace to their chaotic world. So fast forward hundreds of years to shepherds tending their sheep in Luke 2. They have been told of this Messiah – so this is why they are so excited to hear from the angel that the Messiah has been born. Then they hear the heavenly host praising God saying there will be peace on earth to those he favors. Who were the favored ones – the chosen – the Jewish nation.

We are used to the King James version which reads: Peace on earth and good will to men. We hear this over and over again in the Christmas season, but what does “good will” mean? The Greek word is translated: satisfaction, delight, and good pleasure. When one looks up the Greek word for peace the words prosperity, quietness, and rest come up along with peace.

But what kind of peace does this reflect? Is it peace from the turmoil of the world or is it peace with God due to the new covenant Jesus will bring by his dying on the cross for our sins?

Many Jews rejected Christ since he didn’t overthrow the government. Still, many did believe along with Gentiles and found peace in their spiritual lives. Though we go through the storms of life – Jesus the Prince of Peace can grant us peace knowing he is with us. The disciples saw Christ’s power when a storm came up on their boat and Jesus commanded, “Peace be still!” and the storm quieted down.

Trusting in Jesus can bring us inward peace during stressful times, knowing that the Prince of Peace is with us helping us weather any storm that may come into our lives. Peace on earth, goodwill to us all. Amen.


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