The Greatest Love

 John 15:9-13; I Corinthians 3: 1-8a

This week’s Advent candle is Love. Divine love seems to be the attribute that all attributes spring from. The greatest love is what Christ had for us in his outpouring of himself to death to ransom us from sin. Christ proved his great love in this way.

Where does this love come from? Christ tells how as the father loved him – this love was passed on to us. We are told in John 15 to abide in Christ’s love. This means to remain, stay, continue, endure, and be present to. How do we do this? We do so by keeping God’s commandments and as he states in verse 12, “love one another as I have loved you.” The ultimate love being the laying down of one’s life for one’s friend. True love goes beyond just professing it, but in the services we render.

What this love looks like in every day life is told of in I Corinthians 13. Love is said to be patient and kind. Then he tells how it isn’t. It is not envious, boastful, or rude, insisting on its own way, or resentful. It rejoices in the truth, not in wrong doings. Then it is said to bear, believe, hope, and endure all things. Love never ends.

This is a good checklist to see if we are acting out of love – the love Christ commands us to have or acting out of self-centeredness versus abiding in God’s love. We each have our own weaknesses be it envy, impatience, or resentment. This gives us more reason to return to and abide in Christ’s love asking forgiveness and power over our weaknesses.

In the darkness of our weakness there is another light shining along with the candle of hope. It is the candle of love proclaiming that true love will be born at Christmas showing us in his life example how one can live in this great love. Amen


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