Christ the Word

 John 1:1-14, Hebrews 1:1-12

The book of John doesn’t begin with the nativity story. It goes back to the beginning of all time as we know it saying the Word was in the beginning – the Word being Christ who not only was with God but was God. Strong words, forgive the pun, telling of the Trinity. It continues telling how all creation came through him. The Word spoke and it was done. He brought life into being and to this life a light for all people. This light shone in the darkness and was not overcome by it.

Our Hebrews’ passage has other words describing Christ. He is the heir of all things, a reflection of God’s glory – the exact imprint of God’s very being. Christ is said to be the sustainer of all things by his powerful word. How appropriate to name him the Word in John1. He says it and it happens: creation and sustaining all things.

Hebrews tells of how when Christ made purification for sin – his work on the cross – he sat down at the right hand of God. Another title for Christ would be God’s right-hand man – man since he became a man to provide salvation. Even though all creation will someday perish, Christ will remain. Christ is always the same – his years will never end.

Back to John there is mention of John the Baptist a witness to testify to the true light which was coming into the world – one that will enlighten everyone. Verse 10 tells of the irony of how he was in the world, but the world did not know him, even his own people – the Jews did not accept him, but the good news is those who did believe in his name, even us Gentiles, he gave the power to become children of God since they were born of God. John goes on to claim the incarnation that the Word – Christ became flesh and lived among humans. The disciples and John and those who believed saw his glory firsthand that Christ reflecting God was full of grace and truth.

This is how John begins his gospel – his introduction to the divinity and humanness of Christ, and how John the disciple witnessed it.

What word would you like Christ to speak into your life? Would it be health, a resolved relationship, or another need or desire? As children of God, we can ask our brother, Christ to pass the word along and to speak to what we truly need. Praise the Lord for being the Word.


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