Enriched in Him

Psalm 40:1-11; I Corinthians 1: 1-9


Psalms 40 begins with the psalmist claim of salvation in the past painting hope for the future. God is seen as deliverer here, hearing the psalmist cry and pulling him out of the pit. It’s described as a miry bog – a place where one is troubled with no possible way out. The more they tried the more they got tangled up in the muddy mire. Insecurity certainly comes with being stuck in the mire. But the Lord puts his feet on solid rock – his steps are now secure. What a change the Lord has brought. He has gone from crying to singing a new song of praise to God. He now talks about God’s help, God’s faithfulness, and salvation. His cry now is for God not to withhold his mercy and to keep him secure and safe by God’s steadfast love and faithfulness.

In I Corinthians, Paul gives thanks for the Corinthians because of the grace God has given them, for how they have been enriched in Him. The Him is Jesus Christ who brought salvation and the power to live a holy life. Enriched here means to be made rich telling of a valuable bestowment. This is truly what we’ve been bestowed – received from the Lord, not only in our speech and knowledge of God, but in the strength God provides by strengthening our hearts, empowering us to endure the hardship and sorrow which the psalmist speaks about. God’s faithfulness then will empower us to holy living, so we’ll stand blameless at the final judgement.

The psalmist agrees with this richness. Throughout the Psalm he proclaims the spiritual riches he has received from the Lord. These are security, trust, wonderous deeds, God always thinking of him, deliverance, steadfast love, and faithfulness.

Whenever we are in despair may we like the Psalmist count the riches God has given us, claiming how much we are enriched in Christ due to his work on the cross. Amen


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