Savior Brother

 Isaiah 63:7-9; Hebrews 2:10-18

 Isaiah 63 declares it was no messenger or angel that saved God’s children but he, himself, the presence of Christ that redeemed them – that lifted them up. But how could Christ be present?

We just celebrated the birth of Jesus who became flesh. Hebrews 2 tells us we are like his brothers and sisters. He shared our flesh and blood so that through his death he could free us from sin and bring salvation. In this way he became a merciful and faithful high priest by making a sacrifice of himself to atone for the sins of the people. He is said to be the pioneer – the first of salvation made perfect through his sufferings.

Angels are brought up again in Hebrews but not as possible saviors but to contrast those God helped. It was not angels, but us who have become the brothers and sisters of Christ.

Verse 18 brings out a wonderful benefit to us of Christ’s incarnation – of Christ’s human life. Because he was tested, he is able to help his brothers and sisters who are being tested. Christ by being human didn’t only save us, but he can emphasize with our human needs and emotions. We also have faith that our sufferings on earth can bring us to perfection or what is otherwise called sanctification.

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the devil, he stood up to the temptation and only then did the angels minister to him. Who knows if we have guardian angels keeping us safe, but our great helper is our brother Jesus who knows what it’s like to be tested and will give us the strength to endure.

It’s comforting to know that even when we fail, we can come to our brother the merciful high priest to ask for forgiveness. Thanks to the work of our brother, Christ, we’ve truly become children of God. Amen


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