The Righteousness of Faith

Genesis 12: 1-4a; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17

 In Genesis 12 God gives a command to Abram to go to the land the Lord would show him. Verse 4 shows Abram’s obedience to God since “he went as the Lord told him.” Not only his obedience should be emphasized here but what went behind his obedience. Abram had faith that God would deliver what the Lord had promised. So, he left his country and kindred by faith to go to the land God would show him.

This faith of Abram – not his work in the traveling and following the law is what Paul says in Romans was reckoned to him as righteousness. Paul stresses that the promise Abram – name changed later to Abraham – didn’t come through keeping the law. Verse 16 tells how it depends on faith in order that the promise may rest on grace. It’s nothing Abraham has done but through his faith in the unmerited gift of God.

This promise is guaranteed to all Abraham’s descendants, not only those who follow the Mosaic and Levitical law – the Jewish people, but to all who share in the faith of Abraham. This includes Gentiles like ourselves- for he is the father of many nations. This confirms what was said in Genesis that in you (Abraham) all the nations of the world will be blessed.

This righteousness of faith is told of in the familiar John 3:16 which states that everyone who believes in him will not perish but may have eternal life.

It is not our good deeds that bring us salvation or following perfectly all the laws of Moses, or laws our government may set up, but in the righteousness of our faith in Christ that brings us salvation from sin and death and entrance into God’s promised land – God’s Kingdom. Amen


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