Raised with Christ

 Matthew 28: 1-10; Colossians 3: 1-4


The two Marys went to the tomb to find Jesus but could not find his earthly dead body. Instead they experienced an earthquake and an angel of the Lord. The angel’s words: “He is not here. He has been raised from the dead.” This event is enough to cause fear in one’s soul and it is said they left the tomb in fear but in great joy – the news was so great and they were told to go tell the disciples. In this Matthew account Jesus, himself, meets them on their way. He knows of their fear and assures them: “Do not be afraid – go and tell my brothers.” Jesus here is reassuring them that what the angel said is true and they can be trustworthy witnesses to report to the disciples.

Years later, Paul tells the Colossians that since we have been raised with Christ – we have eternal life and life with him on earth. Due to this we are to seek the things that are above. “You have died to sin and earthly things and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” Then comes a promise. When Christ – who is your life – not earthly things – is revealed, you will be revealed with him in glory.

Christ is no longer with them physically. Paul says Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Thus, he is above. He has become our life, so in this new life he has given us through his work on the cross we are to seek the nonearthly things above – the things Jesus showed us in his life on earth and the new commandment he taught us to love others as you love yourself. We are to bring God’s love and hope to a world where earthly pursuits only can bring despair and don’t bring true contentment.

We have to live on this earth, but we have a new life that comes from above. We need to keep our eyes above on the love Christ gives us and share love to all we encounter in our lives on earth below. Amen


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