God’s Power for Us

 Luke 24:44-53; Ephesians 1:15-23

 This Sunday we celebrated the Ascension of the Lord Sunday. This is basically Jesus’ goodbye to the disciples and when the power of God which raised him from the dead, raised him up into heaven. Jesus makes a promise to them that in a little while they will be “clothed with power from on high.” This refers to the day of Pentecost which we will be celebrating next week when Jesus keeps his promise and God sends them and all who believe the Holy Spirit.

Paul writes the Ephesians years after Pentecost has happened and he tells the Ephesians how thankful he is for the faith and love of all of them. He wishes great things for them – the things Jesus promised in our Luke passage. One is a spirit of wisdom. Luke tells about how Jesus opened up the disciples’ minds to understand the scriptures. This is something the Holy Spirit does for us today when we study God’s word. Paul then prays for their hearts to be enlightened that they will realize the hope to which they are called and the riches of God’s glorious inheritance among the saints. This not only includes eternal life but living in God’s kingdom on earth and encouraging others to believe.

All of this is according to the immeasurable greatness of God’s power. His power was mentioned in Luke where it talks about God raising Christ from the dead and due to Jesus’ work on the cross repentance and forgiveness of sins is proclaimed. Paul also mentions this to the Ephesians and what is so wonderful about it is this power is for us who believe. We with the Holy Spirit have been “clothed with power from on high.” This is God’s power for us.

The power which raised Jesus from the dead and has transformed believers is the same power God had in seating Jesus at God’s right hand, making him head over all things including the church which is us. We need to claim this power given to us through the Holy Spirit to help us grant Paul’s wishes for the Ephesians and all Christians who have read this letter of his. These include giving us a spirit of wisdom and an enlightened heart which comes from God’s power for us.



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