An Easy Yoke

 Romans 7:15-25, Matthew 11:25-30

Paul in Romans 7 writes out his frustration of sin dwelling in him. He writes that in his flesh he is powerless to sin. “Wretched man that I am!” he bemoans. Who will rescue him from this body of death? His hope is in the salvation of the Lord who he thanks for rescuing him from sin and death.

In Matthew 11 Jesus asks all who are weary – are frustrated like Paul – to come to him and he will give them rest from the burden of their sins. Jesus tells them he is gentle and humble in heart – he won’t overlord them about it. He will provide rest for their souls. His yoke is easy, and his burden is light not like the bondage from keeping the law.

Paul expresses the heavy burden of his members being at war and captive to sin. He finds himself wanting to do good – to will what is right but the evil he doesn’t want to do he finds himself doing. He tells about delighting in the law of God but in terms of practicing it he struggles greatly against the sin that dwells within him.

God will not only rescue him but will forgive him for the sins he commits through the grace brought to us by the death of Christ on the cross. Grace provides an easy yoke and a light burden.

Paul speaks very well in the Greek thought that the mind is superior to the body and later he will say that he buffets his body in shape to do what the mind says. But God gives us the power to have control over sin whether it is in our own minds or our bodies.

Does Paul need to remember the words of Christ? This conflict between mind and body is reconciled when we find rest for our souls – not our minds or bodies. We need to follow Christ’s request to come to him, learn of him and take up his easy yoke and light burden upon ourselves so we will find rest for the inner conflict of mind and flesh in our souls. Amen


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