Heed Given to Our Afflictions

 Genesis 16: 1-15; Psalms 86: 1-10, 16,17

Have you ever regretted something you did? Sarai did. She thought she was helping Abram have an heir by giving the slave girl Hagar to him to conceive a child. She didn’t realize how much it would bother her when Hagar conceived, especially when Hagar looked at her with contempt. Seeing her pregnant and not herself just rubbed salt into the wound.

Now Hagar seems to be portrayed as the evil other woman here. This is because of her superior attitude toward Sarai since she conceived, and Sarai didn’t. She paid for it, however, with Sarai harsh treatment of her. We must realize though that she was a slave who had to do what Sarai commanded. She was just following instructions to give the master an heir. Instead of receiving thanks for what she did, she received harsh treatment for doing what Sarai had asked of her.

In response to this rough treatment of her which Abram allowed, Hagar runs away. But our great Master, the one who is with us when our earthly masters fail us, God talks to her through an angel. He tells her to return to her mistress and submit to her. Then he gives her a promise of a son she is to bear. He tells her how God has given heed – listened to her affliction. God will speak to her again when Sarai sends her and Ishmael away promising her that God will make a great nation of Ishmael.

Psalms 86 sounds like a lament Hagar herself may have lifted up to the Lord especially verses 16 & 17 which ask God to give strength to your servant and save the son of your serving girl. The Psalmist asks God for a sign of God’s favor – a light in the darkness, so those who hate me – the Sarai’s of the world – will be put to shame because God has helped and comforted them.

Sometimes we make mistakes like Sarai and struggle with the consequences. Others are doing what they’re supposed to do but being hurt by it like doing a good job at work and having your boss strike out in jealousy. It can also happen when we stand up for what we believe is right and have others disagree with us – others whose sinful status quo is attacked by the actions we found to be righteous.

God is with us at both of these times. God had a promise for Sarai and one for Hagar. During our times of troubles in our lives, whether produced by ourselves or others - God is with us and will hear our cries, giving heed to our afflictions and like the Psalmist we can depend on God’s lovingkindness to answer us. Amen.


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