Glorified by Justification

 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-46; Romans 8:26-35

 Our Matthew account tells of parables that describe what the kingdom of God is like. It is like a mustard seed that grows into a large tree. Jesus is talking about the growth of the Christian community. It is compared to the yeast a woman puts in her flour – the woman being an agent of the kingdom doing a small thing that can lead to a huge impact. The other two parables talk about doing everything, spending all your money to secure the great possession of God’s kingdom.

In Romans 8, Paul tells us how we are to live in this kingdom of God on earth. We are now under the law of the Spirit. It is the Spirit who enables us to do so. The Spirit intercedes for us when we pray and helps us to live what God has predestined for us – to be conformed to the image of God’s son, Christ. The Spirit helps us to see and works with us so that good can come out of all things that happen to us. We have not only been justified by Christ’s death on the cross, but it says that those God has justified God has also glorified.

If God is for us then who can be against us. Not only the Holy Spirit intercedes for us but Christ Jesus who is at the right hand of God. Paul assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.

Jesus in his parables talks about the treasure found in the kingdom of God and that of a great pearl. We are to give our all to obtain it. This great treasure is not just eternal but a life living the new covenant of love empowered by the Holy Spirit. A life of growing in sanctification of being more and more conformed to the image God ordained for us. We are glorified in this way due to the justification given to us from God.

We have three personalities rooting for us as we live the Christian life on the path of sanctification. The Holy Spirit which enables us, the Son who loves us and gave us his example, and God who is for us and who justifies and glorifies us. Amen



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