Only Owing Love

 Romans 13:8-14, Matthew 18:18-20

In Romans 13, Paul is summing up all the Mosaic laws by saying all these are possible by following the greatest commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself. He says that one who loves has fulfilled the law. If one loves they will not commit adultery, murder, stealing, or coveting. Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Thus, all the commandments are summed up in this greatest commandment to love one another. So, this is the only thing we owe someone – to love them.

Knowing this we are to throw off the works of darkness – works not driven by love and put on the armor of light. We are to walk decently, not in the flesh or in quarreling or jealousy.

Jesus in Matthew 18 tells how to resolve disputes lovingly. In owing nothing but love to each other we can resolve differences. Perhaps agree to disagree but still own the greatest commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself.

Remember how Jesus promised Peter the keys to heaven? Well in this passage Jesus tells them whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Bind is another word for lock, referencing saving for the kingdom of heaven. To loose on the other hand means to unlock, meaning the disciples could have access to heaven’s goods on earth. This refers to the power they receive from high to do some pretty miraculous things.

Verse 19 talks about if two agree on earth about anything, just ask and it will be done by the Father in heaven. Then comes a wonderful promise when two or three are gathered in his name, Christ is among them. So, in our small group Jesus is with us. Just think of when a larger crowd is gathered in church or a conference in Jesus’ name – Jesus is with them.

Some use these verses to proclaim the power of prayer when multiple people pray for the same thing. I have seen God answer prayer through prayer chains. However, many are disappointed when their prayers are not answered. Sometimes the answer is no. Sometimes God may have something better in mind for you. Then sometimes we just have to have faith that God can work through that disappointment for good, knowing and claiming that Christ is with us in our pain.

May we continue to gather together with Christ in our midst and owe nothing to others but our love.


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