Trust Versus Fear

 Exodus 14:19-31; Exodus 15:1-11, 20-21

This is the account of the miracle of God splitting the Red Sea so the Israelites, being pursued by the Egyptian army, can pass through on dry land. Can you imagine the anxiety they have, the fear the water might not hold or that the Egyptians too are coming behind them on the same dry land? Has Moses led them on a wild goose chase? But God doesn’t let any of the Israelites perish. It’s a different story for the Egyptians who get stuck. Their path was not so clear, and the entire army drowns when Moses stretches out his hand again. Not only is trust in the Lord achieved but renewed trust in Moses that the God he listens to is more powerful than the Egyptians. This is a lesson to the Israelites that they should not be rooted in fear, but in a deep trust in the Lord to save and provide for them. Also, to trust in the leader God has appointed.

When Israel sees the great work the Lord did against the Egyptians, their fear changes into a worship of praise to the Lord and they sing this song of praise. “God has triumphed. God is my strength and my might and has become my salvation.” Then they tell of their response: “Who is like you, O Lord, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders?”

The women then get involved led by Miriam who takes her tambourine and starts dancing in praise in the joy of their deliverance – singing again how God has saved them.

I wish I could tell you they learned their lesson, but the verses following tell how they fall upon bitter water and complain to poor Moses – “what shall we drink?” Again, they are driven by fear, not by trust that God will provide. God comes to their aid again having Moses throw a stick in the water which turns it sweet.

How many times do we praise the Lord for the answers to our prayers and provisions for us, simply to turn around and be fearful again. We like the Israelites need to root our faith in our trust of the Lord, not allowing fear to overwhelm us and cause us to complain. We need to rejoice in how the Lord has delivered us in the past and have trust God will do so in the future.


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