Deliverance from Hunger Pangs

Exodus 16:2-15; Psalm 105:1-6,37-45

 Was it only in the last chapter of Exodus we studied how the Lord delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians by parting the Red Sea. One thing we learn about this group is they are ones to complain. Instead of waiting for God’s provision they are hungry and look back to all the food they had in Egypt, forgetting the oppression. It is easier to get the people out of Egypt than to get Egypt out of the people.

So, God intervenes again. God sends them quail in the evening – meat to eat and in the morning provides bread in the form of manna. They are delivered from hunger pangs. Unfortunately, there will be other times they will complain forgetting the provision of the Lord. It is vital for God’s people to live in a moment by moment relationship of faithful obedience to the Lord. This is built on trust in the character and faithfulness of the Lord demonstrated through God’s actions on behalf of Israel.

Psalms 105 is a Call to Worship telling of God’s faithfulness to Israel. It goes through the covenant made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In verses 39-42 it talks about God’s provision to the Israelites as they wandered for forty years. It tells about providing a cloud for covering – protection and a fire at night – to give them guidance. Then they remember how God delivered them from hunger with quail and manna – food from heaven in abundance. They lacked for nothing including water which God brought them from a rock. Israel’s freedom from slavery and their settlement in Canaan enables them to live in accordance to God’s law.

Do we have hunger pangs today – not just physical but emotional or spiritual? Are there longings we pray to God to fulfill. Can we remember how God has provided in the past and in God’s faithfulness will continue to do so. In the waiting, however, God will cover us with God’s love and give us direction. Let us keep from complaining and keep on trusting moment by moment remembering how God has answered our needs in the past and will continue to do so. 


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