Clothed With Power from On High

 Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:1-11

Today is the Sunday before we celebrate Pentecost. It is called Ascension Sunday since Jesus after giving the disciples parting words ascends to heaven. Jesus explains to them the scriptures he has fulfilled through his death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. The most important part of his message is that he promises them that they will soon be clothed with power from on high.

The book of Acts tells what this power will be. Here Jesus tells them they will receive power when the Holy Spirit will come upon them – clothe them. Next week we will celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit which we have named Pentecost. This will give the disciples the ability to be witnesses to the end of the earth. The story of these empowered disciples/apostles will be continued throughout the book of Acts. The book of Acts shows how quickly Christianity spread throughout the world with the stories of Paul and Peter and other missionaries.

But what are the disciples to do in this in-between time before Pentecost. They have been told to stay in the city. In the Luke account the disciples return to Jerusalem with great joy – continually in the temple praising God. This shows us that we can always be praising God even in the in-between times when we’re waiting for resolutions to our problems.

The Acts account differs showing the confused disciples looking up into heaven after Jesus. Two angels, men dressed in white, appear reassuring them that Jesus will come again. Further on in the following scriptures they get together in what is declared today as the Upper Room. They decide on an apostle to replace Judas. Agreeing with the Luke account all devote themselves to prayer along with certain women. It says the crowd numbered 120.

I love the expression “clothed from power from on high.” With the power of the Holy Spirit within us we are not only clothed in righteousness, but we can carry out the work God has for us to bring in the kingdom of God.

We too need to use this power from on high which now clothes us. The Holy Spirit, we will hear more about next week, has been given to us who believe. We need to take advantage of this power to fully live the Christian life of love and be witnesses of this to all we encounter. Amen.


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