Be Strong in the Lord

Psalm 84, Ephesians 6:10-18

The Psalmist in Psalms 84 sings praises to the Lord not only for God’s provision but for the strength God gives us. Verse 5 says “Happy are those whose strength is in God” and goes further telling how they go from strength to strength. God is also praised as a shield – protector.

Ephesians tells us to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of God’s power. Paul uses the metaphor of putting on armor. He tells about the whole armor of God which will help one to stand firm. This armor includes truth and a breastplate of righteousness. We are also to be prepared with the gospel of peace.

He talks about the shield mentioned in the Psalm, this being the shield of faith. Then he talks about the helmet of salvation. We are covered from our sins by Christ’s work on the cross. The sword we are to take up is the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Scripture can help us counter any evil ideas that can come our way, and the Spirit leads us as we study scripture in the righteous way in which we should go.

The biggest weapon of all is prayer which Paul tells us to pray in the Spirit at all times. In order to do this, we must keep alert and persevere by keeping on praying in supplication for all the saints – our colleagues in this battle. Supplication means begging for something earnestly or humbly. Other similar words are entreaty, plea, and appeal. This is intense prayer.

Paul is so adamant about this being strong in the Lord and the ways to arm up this strength because he says the days are evil. Well, we live today in a world of untruths – fake news, hatred, unkindness, and violence. We are to share the gospel of peace and stand firm in the love and salvation God has given us. We are to be strong in the Lord, strong in our faith and show the world a better life of love given to us by God. Let us like Paul be ambassadors bringing truth, righteousness, and peace. May we continue to pray fervently that God’s kingdom of love will come and be armed up in the strength of the Lord to help bring it so. Amen



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