Rich In Faith

Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23; James 2:1-10

Jesus turned the thinking of the world upside down. People in his time and still in ours give higher standing to those who are rich versus the poor. Even the Pharisees honored those who dressed better than the poor. Did they fail to read Proverbs that tells that a good name – one’s reputation and good favor is better than great riches - silver or gold? Proverbs 22 goes on to say that both rich and poor have the same maker and were created as equals. A bad reputation is for those who sow injustice, and it is said they will fall into calamity while those who are generous to the poor are blessed. We are told not to rob or crush the poor and afflicted for the Lord will plead their case and despoil those who despoil them.

Years later James writes about the partiality he sees in the early church. Those in fine clothes and gold rings are treated better – given the best seats while the poor are given either the bad seats or have to stand. James reminds them that God chose the poor to be rich in faith. When one has wealth and positions it is easier for them to have faith in things versus God. The poor then with fewer possessions sometimes have a deeper faith in God, faith in the Creator versus God’s creations.

He also points out what Proverbs says about the rich sowing injustice. In this passage he tells how it’s the rich who have the money to take you to court and to defame your excellent name.

We can say we keep the laws of loving our neighbor but are we selective in those we love and treat well. Do we favor the well dressed and not greet or be kind to the homeless? John Wesley started the Methodist movement by going out to the poor in the streets who weren’t accepted in the Anglican church. Are we generous with the poor sharing food and helping to provide for their needs? Do we stand up for these fellow children of God and work to alleviate the conditions that keep them so, remembering that God has chosen the rich and poor alike of the world to be heirs to the kingdom promised to those who love him. May we show the richness of our faith in how well we treat the rich and poor alike. Amen.


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