Showing God’s Wisdom

 Psalms 1; James 3:13 – 4:3, 7-8

 Psalms 1 paints a picture of what one does to be happy. We heard last week about the wisdom that comes from above. Here the Psalmist talks about delighting in this wisdom – the law they meditate on day and night. They yield spiritual fruit, and their leaves do not wither and in all they do they prosper. He contrasts them with the wicked who seek their own wisdom – their own advice. If living God’s wisdom produces fruit, the wisdom of the wicked produces chaff that the wind blows away. He claims the promise that the Lord watches over the way of the righteous.

James in our passage asks about who is wise and knowledgeable among you. He goes on to say if you truly have it, show it by your good work done with gentleness- humility. He explains earthly wisdom versus wisdom that comes from above. Earthly wisdom includes envy and selfish ambitions which cause disorder and wickedness of every kind. Wisdom from above in contrast is pure – no ulterior motives, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield – compromise, full of mercy – forgiveness and the good fruits the Psalmist talked about.

Living earthly wisdom produces conflicts and disputes among you. Where do these come from? He says they come from cravings at war within you. Selfish ambition from something you want and can’t have can lead to murder. Envy then comes from coveting something you can’t obtain creating conflict. If you show the wisdom from above you can ask God for what you don’t have. Yet if you ask living out of earthly wisdom, asking wrongly in order to use it to get on with your pleasures, God will not answer.

James ends the passage telling how we receive the power to live the wisdom from above. It is from submitting yourself to God and resisting the devil – the evil cravings you may have. By drawing near to God, God will draw near to you and give you the power to show God’s wisdom by you living the good, happy life.


May we seek the wisdom from above and draw near to God so that we may be empowered to show God’s wisdom in the way we live our lives. Amen.


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