Taming the Tongue with God’s Wisdom

Proverbs 1:20-33; James 3:1-12

 The writer of Proverbs talks about the need for wisdom, for seeking and using it. He writes about the fools who ignore it and the downfall they will receive by neglecting it. Where do we find true wisdom? Who is shouting out in the streets? It is the Lord God. It is said here that the fools that neglect wisdom are ones who do not choose the fear of the Lord. The wisdom of the Lord invited them, but they rejected it. He tells how the immature will die because they have turned away.

James talks about this immaturity in our passage. This is shown in one who can bridle their tongues. Those who make no mistakes with their words have reached maturity. Doesn’t wisdom and fear of the Lord help our speech? James uses words of wisdom to prove his point. Don’t we put bits in horses’ mouths to guide them. Then there are ships that are guided by a small rudder. Even species of animals can be tamed by humans.

The bad news is that nobody by themselves can tame the tongue. He goes on to tell how it can stain the whole body. He tells how it’s like a small fire that will destroy a forest. He calls it a restless evil, full of deadly poison. Though we can do good with it by blessing God we contradict this by cursing people made in God’s image. We can either bless or curse with it. He describes this dilemma by comparing it with a spring. Can it spring forth fresh or contaminated water? Can salt water produce fresh?

Could God’s wisdom be the bit and rudder to control our tongue? By fearing – respecting God and God’s wisdom we can keep the spring of our souls pure so that only fresh water – good beneficial language comes out of our tongue. Do we ignore the voice of God giving us advice as to not say the harmful things you are thinking? I have done so and what damage what I said did.

May we choose the wisdom given to us by God. May we listen as God cries out wisdom in the streets. Let us respect the Lord before we speak. Maybe thinking something as simple as, “Would Jesus say this?”

Let us keep away the flames of damage we can ignite and bring hurt and cursing to God’s fellow humans made in God’s image. Let us be mature believers taming our tongues with God’s wisdom. Amen.


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