
Showing posts from October, 2024

Being Put to the Test

  Psalms 26, Job 1:6-22 These two scriptures have been put together quite interestingly. In Psalms 26, David is asking to be tested while in Job the accuser, some believe to be the devil, asks that the righteous Job be put to the test. David is known as a man after God’s heart as expressed in this Psalm, but he is also known as one of the greatest sinners. Did David with Bathsheba stand up to the test? Job is described as blameless and upright. So, what is the temptation sent to him? It’s losing everything and terrible sores on his body. Yet he passes the test. He does not curse God. I love his statement that I myself was able to claim after I lost my dream car in an accident, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” David in his Psalm gives reasons why he himself is blameless and upright. He talks about walking in integrity and faithfulness. Walking is a metaphor used to describe how one behaves in all aspects of life. He has unwavering trus

Having Salt in Yourselves

  Mark 9:38-41, 49-50; James 5:13-20   The disciples are concerned. Someone who is not one of them is casting out demons in Christ’s name. Jesus here doesn’t agree with their exclusivity telling them to welcome those who are not against us since they are for us. This makes me think of the different denominations who serve the risen Christ. We are not to be against them since they are outside our group. Their goal is the same to serve Christ. Whoever welcomes you or gives you a cup of water because you bear the name of Christ will not lose their reward. Then Christ uses the metaphor of salt. If it’s good it does good, but if it loses its saltiness it isn’t effective anymore. So, Christ tells them to have salt in yourselves – concentrate on your own spiritual life versus condemning those who are not in your group. Be at peace with one another. This is counter to those who argue and are dogmatic about their point of view versus being peaceable. James tells us how to keep the salt in