Having Salt in Yourselves

 Mark 9:38-41, 49-50; James 5:13-20

 The disciples are concerned. Someone who is not one of them is casting out demons in Christ’s name. Jesus here doesn’t agree with their exclusivity telling them to welcome those who are not against us since they are for us. This makes me think of the different denominations who serve the risen Christ. We are not to be against them since they are outside our group. Their goal is the same to serve Christ. Whoever welcomes you or gives you a cup of water because you bear the name of Christ will not lose their reward.

Then Christ uses the metaphor of salt. If it’s good it does good, but if it loses its saltiness it isn’t effective anymore. So, Christ tells them to have salt in yourselves – concentrate on your own spiritual life versus condemning those who are not in your group. Be at peace with one another. This is counter to those who argue and are dogmatic about their point of view versus being peaceable.

James tells us how to keep the salt in ourselves. If we are suffering – pray. When we are cheerful, sing songs of praise. Then when we are sick we are to call upon the elders of the church for anointing with oil. This prayer of faith for the sick will save the sick – the Lord will raise them up. Those who confess their sins will be forgiven. Spiritual healing comes from confessing your sins to one another and praying for one another.

Those who are righteous are those that have salt in themselves. Their prayers are powerful and effective. An example of one so righteous is Elijah who prayed fervently in faith for the rain to stop and then after 3 ½ years prayed it would continue again. Another attribute of having salt in yourselves is the ability to bring back someone who has wandered from the truth. In this way they will save the sinner from death.

May we strive to keep the faith in the techniques given by James to be righteous. In this way being salt that will flavor the world around us for Christ, being peaceable toward everyone – even those in different denominations than ours. Amen


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