Giving it All

Mark 12:38-44, Hebrews 9:24-28

We all know the story of the widow’s mite. While all the rich give great sums of money much more than the poor widow yet Christ acknowledges her for giving out of her poverty – all she had.

Jesus starts this passage telling the disciples to beware of the scribes in their fancy robes, greeted with respect and having the best seats at the synagogue and banquets. Where did they get all their wealth? One way Jesus points out is that they cheat widows out of their homes. The NRSV uses the stronger word – devour widows houses. Even though they say loud long prayers for sake of appearance – they will receive the greatest condemnation.

All throughout the Old Testament God tells the Israelites to take care of the orphans and the widows. The scribes, however, are creating a tax on the poor keeping them in perpetual poverty. This woman is seen as giving all she has to live on – literally translated – her whole life. She has just put her life in the offering box to God.

She gave all because of the guilt, shame, and oppression the leaders put on her. Jesus is angry at Jewish teachers who persuade windows to give their all. He sees a corrupt religious system that no longer honors God’s heart to take care of the widow. It points out someone we should serve with our action, not ask for a donation. This is an illustration of injustice. Jesus condemns the value system that teaches and encourages to give all she has. We have seen this in our own day in corrupt TV Evangelists who take money from the poor to finance their private planes.

Though Jesus points out that she has been exploited, she does have great faith in God’s provision. Can we like this widow despite our systematic victimization, our poverty, and existence of corruption know that Jesus will truly minister to the broken and neglected. He will lay down his life as a sacrifice bringing her life over death.

Hebrews again talks about Christ as the great high priest. Instead of sacrifices being offered every year Jesus gave his life for all – his whole life. This sacrifice was only needed once.

As a child of God, we need to find ways to end the unjust taxations that further hinder the poor. People with the lower incomes give a higher percentage than the wealthy. What would Jesus say about that?

Jesus gave his all to help the oppressed, the poor, and those who are marginalized. Let us do all we can to be the hands of God to help the poor. Amen.


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