Confidence to Pour Out our Souls

I Samuel 1:4-20; Hebrews 10:11-23

 Hannah had a problem. She was barren. Having children was the only way women got acknowledged back then, by giving birth to sons. To top it all off the other wife torments her by rubbing in how many children she has. So, we see Hannah at a breaking point. She goes to the temple deeply distressed and prays to the Lord weeping bitterly. In this prayer she makes a vow – some might call it bargaining with God, but she is sincere. Now her praying is silent yet in her agony she moves her lips mouthing the words. Eli seeing this accuses her of being drunk to which she replies, “I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord.” Eli realizing her sincerity tells her to go in peace and may God grant the petition you have made. After this blessing from Eli, she returns and is able to eat again and her countenance is sad no longer. She appears to know God has heard and has the confidence that God will answer. Well God did. She conceives and gives birth to Samuel.

The writer of Hebrews talks again about the one-time single sacrifice Christ offered for us, where God will forgive all our sins. By doing this he has perfected all those who are sanctified. The Holy Spirt tells us about the new covenant where God’s laws are written on our hearts and minds.

Not only is there a new covenant but a new and living way that Christ has opened up for us. We can have confidence due to Christ’s work on the cross to enter this sanctuary. The curtain of the old law has been torn down. We can approach God directly in full assurance of faith.

I believe that after Hannah poured out her soul – let it all out to God that this along with Eli’s blessing gave her hope. Hebrews tells us we can hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering since the Lord who has promised is faithful.

We can identify with Hannah since there have been times we too have to pour out our souls to God. Hebrews verifies that we can have the confidence to do so knowing God is faithful. We don’t need a human priest’s approval – we have the great high priest, Christ who allows us to go directly to God. God will answer or pull us through our troubles. Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence as we pour out our souls to God. Amen.


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