Joyfully Drawing from the Well of Salvation

 Isaiah 12: 2-6, Philippians 4:4-7

 This week we lit the candle of joy in our advent wreath, and we sang Joy to the World. Isaiah tells us where true joy comes from. He talks about how God is our salvation. With this salvation the Lord provides strength and might. Due to this we don’t have to be afraid. With joy then we can draw from the wells of salvation.

What is this joy? God has saved us from our sin, and we have become God’s children. Not only is God our might and strength but God has given us eternal life. Isaiah tells us to give thanks to the Lord for this, sing praises and let it be known all throughout the earth. We are to shout aloud and sing for joy.

In Philippians we are told to rejoice in the Lord always and again. The prefix re means to do it again, so we are to share our joy again and again. Another important word here is “always.” He might as well have said, “no matter what – rejoice!”

Just like Isaiah told us not to be afraid, the writer of Philippians tells us not to be anxious about anything. We need not have fear since the scripture says, “that in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,” (again, we are rejoicing) “let your requests be known to God.” Our anxiety then will be replaced by the peace of God, totally beyond human wisdom. This peace will guard your heart – your emotions and your mind- the turmoil within your head.

Where does this peace reside? It says it is in Christ Jesus. Christ who took care of our salvation. How less can he take care and emphasize with any problem you might be having. This is the drawing of the well of our salvation which Isaiah spoke of. Christ the Living Water can quench our fears and give us the strength and might to endure. How can we not rejoice and acknowledge the joy again and again the Lord has brought us through salvation?

May we continually draw from this well of salvation and again rejoice. Amen.


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