Worry Not, God Provides

Joel 2:21-27, Matthew 6:25-33

Through the prophet Joel God speaks to the land, to the animals, and to the children of Zion. To the soil he tells how the trees bear fruit. To the animals he tells how the pastures provide green grass for them to eat. Then to us humans the Lord has provided rain which makes the crops grow where the threshing floor are full of grain and the vats overflowing with wine and oil. They will eat in plenty. The Lord doesn’t forget the lean years though. God will repay for the years insects have destroyed their crops along with a great army being sent against them. Then they will be satisfied and praise God who has dealt wondrously with them. God’s people will never be put to shame again.

In Matthew Jesus tells the crowd not to worry about their physical lives and bodies – what to eat, drink, or wear. He uses the examples of nature like Joel did. He tells about the birds being fed, the lilies of the field being clothes in beauty. He asks the question, “Aren’t you more valuable than these?” Those who are not God’s Jewish children, the Gentiles, seek these things but “indeed your heavenly father know you need these things and God provides them.”

Jesus says what God’s children should be seeking is the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness. These are the important things we should be working on, and God will provide the rest. “All these things will be given to you as well.”

Having faith in God’s provision to provide earthly things frees us up to seek heavenly spiritual things. One of these is to bring the kingdom of love, mercy, and justice to the world. The other is God’s righteousness. We know we are to first love God and the golden rule of loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Channeling God’s love for others and self is a great way to keep us from sinful deeds not done out of love. Addiction of all kinds is not how to love ourselves. Racism, exclusivism and keeping down the downtrodden are far from living Christ’s love for all.

We are so focused on our own earthly needs that we waste time worrying about them versus being confident in God’s provision. We should be focused instead of living the life of love which leads to righteousness. Instead of seeking our own kingdoms on earth let us seek first God’s kingdom of righteousness where we live like Christ including everyone, exercise mercy and work on justice for all. Amen.


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