Fulfilled Scripture
Psalm 19:7-14; Luke 4:14-21
Psalm 19 tells us of the benefits of the law, its decrees, commandments, and ordinances. The psalmist tells how the law of the Lord is perfect since it revives the soul. The sure decrees of the Lord make wise even the simple. The commandments enlighten one – give light to one’s eyes. The ordinances are both true and righteous. They are more valuable than the finest gold and sweeter than the honeycomb. It not only warns us of wrong doings but in keeping of it there is great reward.
Jesus, a Jewish man was brought up on the Law and the
Prophets and when he arrives at the synagogue at Nazareth he reads the scroll
of Isaiah 61 where it tells how the Spirit of the Lord is upon him to bring
good news to the poor, release of captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and
setting the oppressed free. He ends the reading telling how he is proclaiming
the year of the Lord’s favor. This told about the expected day when the Messiah
would come. Jesus then surprises them by saying that this very day – this
scripture, this prophecy has been fulfilled. He is basically saying, “I am the
The crowd is basically okay with this until they
question is this not Joseph’s son? Who does he think he is? The famous saying
of a prophet not being accepted in his hometown follows this passage. What
finally upsets the people is when he says later that this good news is for the
Gentiles too. Due to this they walk him to a cliff wanting to throw him off,
but he walks through and goes his way.
What are these powerful words that Jesus claims will
be his mission? They emphasize Jesus’ mission to the marginalized – the poor,
captives, blind, and oppressed. Many today continue this reaching out to these
marginalized by visiting prisoners, feeding the hungry, and working against
oppressive laws.
In contrast to oppressive laws is the perfect law of
the Lord which instead of oppressing – revives – brings life again to the soul.
The same Jesus who fulfilled prophecy also fulfilled the law requirements for
us by dying in our place. The new spiritual laws he brought with the new
covenant fulfilled another prophecy that of “writing the laws upon our hearts.”
Living these spiritual laws by the power of the Spirit is more valuable than
gold and offers a sweeter life more than any sugared dessert we can imagine.
Thank God that Jesus has fulfilled these scriptures.
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