Love Backing Our Gifts

Jeremiah 1:4-10, I Corinthians 13:1-13

In the first chapter of Jeremiah the prophet himself tells of his call. The Lord tells him how he was consecrated before he was born to be appointed a prophet. Jeremiah like Moses says, “I don’t know how to speak.” Jeremiah is just a boy which he points out to God. In return God tells him not to say this since he will go where God sends him and speak what God commands. God tells him not to be afraid because he is with him and will deliver him. Then touching his mouth God tells him, “I have put my words in your mouth” and tells him he’s been appointed over nations and kingdoms.

So how does this passage go along with the famous love chapter of I Corinthians 13? Well, this exhortation of love follows passages in the previous chapter which talks about spiritual gifts and how everyone has one. If we reflect on the Jeremiah passage we have been consecrated to one of them before we were born. Prophecy is one of the gifts mentioned. In fact, it is given the rank of second under apostles. Chapter 12 ends with saying, “I will show you a more excellent way.”

Our passage then says that all these gifts are worthless if they have not love. I get the impression that Jeremiah in accepting his call had a great love of God with the desire to serve and a love for the Israelites of whom he brings his prophecies. These people don’t always want to hear what he says, yet he persists. He goes through many trials by giving his prophecies but through them all, due to his love of God and his people, he bears all things, hopes, and endures all things.

Love as described in I Corinthians 13 goes beyond the sentimental Valentines’ Day love. It is described as being patient, kind, not envious, not irritable, not insisting on its own way, and rejoicing in the truth not wrong doings. It is said to never end. Paul then says that certain gifts including prophecy will come to an end. The passage ends saying that only faith, hope, and love will remain but of these the greatest is love.

Do you have the spirit of love when you exercise your spiritual gift? Is it more of a duty than a joy to reach out in love? May we grasp sharing our love in the ways described sharing our gifts in the more excellent way. Amen.


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