Truly Happy/Blessed
Psalm 1, Luke 6:17-26
Psalm 1 tells us where true happiness comes from.
First it tells us where it doesn’t come from. It doesn’t come from following
the advice of the wicked or taking the path that sinners tread or sitting with
those who are disrespectful to God. Instead, it is when you delight in the law
of the Lord and meditate on it day and night. It compares them to a tree by
water which yields fruit and prospers in all they do. In contrast are the
wicked who are said to be like chaff that the wind blows away. The Lord watches
the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked will perish.
Our Luke passage is a familiar passage known as the
Beatitudes. We have all learned it as “Blessed are,” but other translation like
the CEB here translate it as, “Happy are.” It is interesting comparing Jesus’
words on who is happy with what is said in Psalm 1.
Jesus doesn’t seem to make much sense saying happy are
the poor, the hungry, and those who weep. Yet Jesus tells them why they are
happy. The poor for theirs is the kingdom of God. Then to the hungry they will
be filled, and to the weeping they will laugh. He also says you are happy when
people hate, reject, and insult you since great is your reward in heaven.
Jesus totally turns things around saying how terrible it
is for the rich since they already received their comfort. Then to those who
have plenty they will become hungry and those who laugh will mourn and weep.
This is a hard passage to interpret since we know
hungry, poor, and sad people who are not happy. What is Jesus promising them? I
find that there are two ways to interpret these verses. One is Christ is
promising them hope that one day their circumstances will change. Another way
is to see these verses through a spiritual lens. How the poor will inherit
God’s kingdom when it comes to earth. Spiritually the poor are rich in the
salvation of the Lord and those who mourn can experience the joy of the Lord. A
song that brings this to life talks about trading my sorrows for the joy of the
Do Jesus’ words contradict the words of Psalm 1? I
think not. For the righteous whether poor, hungry, or sad can delight in the
love of the Lord and can prosper in the way of the righteous while the rich,
full of food, and laughing but wicked will perish and receive their consequence.
Happy are those who trust in the Lord in any circumstance. Amen.
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