Truly Happy/Blessed
Psalm 1, Luke 6:17-26 Psalm 1 tells us where true happiness comes from. First it tells us where it doesn’t come from. It doesn’t come from following the advice of the wicked or taking the path that sinners tread or sitting with those who are disrespectful to God. Instead, it is when you delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night. It compares them to a tree by water which yields fruit and prospers in all they do. In contrast are the wicked who are said to be like chaff that the wind blows away. The Lord watches the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked will perish. Our Luke passage is a familiar passage known as the Beatitudes. We have all learned it as “Blessed are,” but other translation like the CEB here translate it as, “Happy are.” It is interesting comparing Jesus’ words on who is happy with what is said in Psalm 1. Jesus doesn’t seem to make much sense saying happy are the poor, the hungry, and those who weep. Yet Jesus tells them why they are ...